December 16, 2009
Obama's Epic Fail
"I'm not going to back down on the basic principle that if Americans can't find affordable coverage we're going to provide you a choice." -- Barack Obama, September 13, 2009
During his Oprah Winfrey interview, President Obama awarded himself a B+ for his first year in office. He quickly noted that if he got a "win" on health care, his grade would rise to an A.
Well, I agree. But in my grade book, the "B" stands for BANK BAIL-OUTS and the "A" stands for AFGHANISTAN SURGE.
Additionally, Obama's cautious compromising with conservatives earns him a C for CAPITULATING on every major issue. I would also give this presidential pretender a D for his DISGRACEFUL DUPLICITY on health care reform. Ted Kennedy is rolling in his grave.
Added together with the grades of "I" for INSINCERITY and "W" for WASTED OPPORTUNITY AFTER GEORGE W. -- I give Obama's first year an F for FUCKED UP FAILURE.
Yes, I still believe in a place called Hope. The significance of Obama's historic burst through America's racial social barrier will never be diminished. It cannot be, not even by Obama himself.
But class is over. With his flip-flop on the "basic principle" of a heath care public option, I've learned all I needed to learn. Barack Obama doesn't make the grade. He will not be asked back for another term.
"My commitment is to make sure that we’ve got universal health care for all Americans by the end of my first term as President. I would hope that we set up a system that allows those who can go to their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort."
-- Obama, March 24, 2007
"An additional step we can take to keep insurance companies honest is by making a not-for-profit public option available."
-- Obama, September 9, 2009
"I think one of the options should be a public insurance option. Let me clear. It would only be an option, nobody would be forced to choose it. No one with insurance affected by it. But what it would do is provide more choice and more competition. It would keep pressure on private insurers to keep the policies affordable, to treat their customers better . . . Minnesota I have said I'm open to different ideas on how to set this up -- but I'm not going to back down on the basic principle that if Americans can't find affordable coverage we're going to provide you a choice."
-- Obama, September 13, 2009, Minneapolis
"Whatever the bill you least like would set up an exchange so that people right now who are having to try to bargain for health insurance on their own are suddenly part of a pool of millions that forces insurance companies to compete for their business and give them better deals and lower rates."
-- Obama, October 20, 2009
December 14, 2009
ND GOP lol
The funny folks heading up North Dakota's Republican Party have included a new section on their homepage: the "Joke of the day." Seriously. And the first joke is a cartoon questioning our President's legitimacy.
Shown on the ND GOP's website is the photo of President Obama shaking hands with state dinner party-crasher Michaele Salahi. Obama is shown asking to see Salahi's invitation. Salahi answers: "If I can see your birth certificate!"
When Adam Jones, political director for the North Dakota GOP, was asked by whether it was appropriate to have a joke involving the President allegedly not being born in this country, Jones became evasive.
Shown on the ND GOP's website is the photo of President Obama shaking hands with state dinner party-crasher Michaele Salahi. Obama is shown asking to see Salahi's invitation. Salahi answers: "If I can see your birth certificate!"
When Adam Jones, political director for the North Dakota GOP, was asked by whether it was appropriate to have a joke involving the President allegedly not being born in this country, Jones became evasive.
December 11, 2009
Googling Gretchen Carlson
Jon Stewart focused on "Fox & Friends" host, Gretchen Carlson on his December 8 Daily Show. Stewart wonders if Ms. Carlson is dumbing herself down in order to connect with an audience "that sees intellect as an elitist flaw."
November 06, 2009
Tom Tancredo storms off the set during a Nov. 6 MSNBC segment with Daily Kos founder, Markos Moulitas.
November 05, 2009
God Don't Like Ugly
At the Tea Bagger's extremely weak November 5 protest at the Capitol, Missouri Repub representative, Todd Akin invited the tiny crowd to join him in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance because it "drives the liberals crazy."
Then, anxious to get to the words, "under God" and use God as a weapon to bash his enemies -- Akin botched the rest of the pledge. The word that tripped up the Tea-Bagging Bible thumper? . . ."Indivisible."
Then, anxious to get to the words, "under God" and use God as a weapon to bash his enemies -- Akin botched the rest of the pledge. The word that tripped up the Tea-Bagging Bible thumper? . . ."Indivisible."
October 13, 2009
September 18, 2009
Values Voters Gone Wild
MSNBC's Brian Mooar, invited to cover the 2009 "Values Voter Summit" was harassed by several attendees while broadcasting live. Apparently other reporters were similarly threatened.
The head organizer later apologized to the press and asked the crowd of values voters not to be disrespectful, intolerant, presumptuous and rude.
The head organizer later apologized to the press and asked the crowd of values voters not to be disrespectful, intolerant, presumptuous and rude.
September 12, 2009
Well, it's 9/12 and that makes it official . . .
Dignified, diplomatic President Obama has now kept America safe longer than George W. Bush and the chest-thumping chicken hawks from the previous administration.
Despite dire predictions from Dick Cheney and his daughter, Dickless Cheney, terrorists have not "tested" our new President. On the contrary, there's now proof that we're winning the war on terror -- which was always acknowleged as a battle for hearts and minds. The world's opinion of America has substantially improved.
The organization, World Public Opinion, has released some astounding statistics. Their polling data regularly showed that Bush was one of the least trusted leaders in the world. In a total reversal, polls now reveal that President Obama inspires far more confidence than any other political leader on the planet.
And in another global vote of confidence in America, Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
That's real change.
Dignified, diplomatic President Obama has now kept America safe longer than George W. Bush and the chest-thumping chicken hawks from the previous administration.
Despite dire predictions from Dick Cheney and his daughter, Dickless Cheney, terrorists have not "tested" our new President. On the contrary, there's now proof that we're winning the war on terror -- which was always acknowleged as a battle for hearts and minds. The world's opinion of America has substantially improved.
The organization, World Public Opinion, has released some astounding statistics. Their polling data regularly showed that Bush was one of the least trusted leaders in the world. In a total reversal, polls now reveal that President Obama inspires far more confidence than any other political leader on the planet.
And in another global vote of confidence in America, Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
That's real change.
September 09, 2009
Inappropriate and Regrettable
Apparently overcome with anger at President Obama's plans to offer every American affordable health care, Rep. Joe Wilson simply couldn't help himself.
During the President's September 9 speech to congress, the congressman from South Carolina openly heckled the Commander-in-Chief. As Obama was clarifying that his health care proposals do not include illegal immigrants, Wilson loudly yelled, "You lie!"
Democratic leaders immediately called on Wilson to apologize. Even Republicans were reportedly mortified and offended. John McCain said it was "totally disrespectful," that there was "no place for it in that setting or any other" and that Wilson "should apologize for it immediately."
Wilson issued a brief statement explaining that his emotions got the better of him.
"While I disagree with the president’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable," Wilson wrote. "I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."
Emotions were obviously getting the better of a lot of folks. In place of Wilson's website was a blank page with a note declaring the site has been shut down due to maintenance.
During the President's September 9 speech to congress, the congressman from South Carolina openly heckled the Commander-in-Chief. As Obama was clarifying that his health care proposals do not include illegal immigrants, Wilson loudly yelled, "You lie!"
Democratic leaders immediately called on Wilson to apologize. Even Republicans were reportedly mortified and offended. John McCain said it was "totally disrespectful," that there was "no place for it in that setting or any other" and that Wilson "should apologize for it immediately."
Wilson issued a brief statement explaining that his emotions got the better of him.
"While I disagree with the president’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable," Wilson wrote. "I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."
Emotions were obviously getting the better of a lot of folks. In place of Wilson's website was a blank page with a note declaring the site has been shut down due to maintenance.
September 02, 2009
Sarah's Little Secret
Excerpt of 10/09 Vanity Fair article by Levi Johnston:
- Sarah told me she had a great idea: we would keep it a secret—nobody would know that Bristol was pregnant. She told me that once Bristol had the baby she and Todd would adopt him. That way, she said, Bristol and I didn’t have to worry about anything. Sarah kept mentioning this plan. She was nagging—she wouldn’t give up. She would say, "So, are you gonna let me adopt him?" We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid.
- Sarah was sad for a while. She walked around the house pouting. I had assumed she was going to go back to her job as governor, but a week or two after she got back she started talking about how nice it would be to quit and write a book or do a show and make "triple the money." It was, to her, "not as hard." She would blatantly say, "I want to just take this money and quit being governor." She started to say it frequently, but she didn’t know how to do it. When she came home from work, it seemed like she was more and more stressed out.
August 17, 2009
Minneapolis Gang Violence
Derryl Jenkins is accusing Minneapolis' finest of brutally beating him during a traffic stop. Police Chief Dolan says he's reviewing dashcam video of the February 19th incident.
Dolan isn't the only one watching the disturbing footage. The F.B.I. has become interested and the tape has now been linked through YouTube to the entire nation.
August 14, 2009
Wondering who's behind all these "spontaneous" town hall brawls? Curious about the coast-to-coast uprising of outraged old White folks vehemently opposed to changing our dysfunctional health care system . . ?
Welcome to ResistNet.
Welcome to ResistNet.
"the online community for patriotic citizens
who are opposing the Obama-led socialist agenda"
who are opposing the Obama-led socialist agenda"
RESISTNET is owned and operated by GRASSFIRE.ORG. ("Grassfire will RUSH you, our exclusive Tea Party Super-Pak!")
President, Steve Elliott asserts, " is not formally affiliated with any religious or political organization." But he admits Grassfire "often works with partner organizations" when they "share concern on an issue."
So who's behind the partner organizations -- namely FreedomWorks, TeaPartyExpress and The Bradley Foundation? Mr. Elliott insists it's "Citizens like you!"
However, Adele M. Stan at AlterNet has found some far more frightening answers.
President, Steve Elliott asserts, " is not formally affiliated with any religious or political organization." But he admits Grassfire "often works with partner organizations" when they "share concern on an issue."
So who's behind the partner organizations -- namely FreedomWorks, TeaPartyExpress and The Bradley Foundation? Mr. Elliott insists it's "Citizens like you!"
However, Adele M. Stan at AlterNet has found some far more frightening answers.
August 06, 2009
Race to Judgment
Already marginalized to the point of irrelevancy, 31 Republican senators just said "NO" to Sonia Sotomayor becoming the first Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court justice. Only 9 of them could muster up enough courage to break ranks and join the 59 Democrats in voting to confirm President Obama's history-making nominee.
(How do you say "permanent minority party" in Spanish?)
Despite the obvious party split, both parties agree Ms. Sotomayor's credentials for the court are impeccable.
But Republicans say the "wise Latina" is just playing dumb. They suspect she's actually a racist in disguise -- who'll finally be unable and unwilling to remain impartial. They're convinced this impeccable jurist will take the bench and then . . . the Latina who wise-cracked about old White men (one time, at one speech) will emerge from hiding and wreak havoc.
Republican senators voted "NO" because they're certain Judge Sotomayor will reject reality and ignore facts -- choosing instead to make irrational decisions based on prejudice, paranoia and petty politics.
(How do you say "permanent minority party" in Spanish?)
Despite the obvious party split, both parties agree Ms. Sotomayor's credentials for the court are impeccable.
But Republicans say the "wise Latina" is just playing dumb. They suspect she's actually a racist in disguise -- who'll finally be unable and unwilling to remain impartial. They're convinced this impeccable jurist will take the bench and then . . . the Latina who wise-cracked about old White men (one time, at one speech) will emerge from hiding and wreak havoc.
Republican senators voted "NO" because they're certain Judge Sotomayor will reject reality and ignore facts -- choosing instead to make irrational decisions based on prejudice, paranoia and petty politics.
August 04, 2009
Big Bad Bill is Sweet William Now!
As one of the few statesmen left in America with any street cred, former President Bill Clinton met Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. On the first day of his mission to Pyongyang, Clinton negotiated the release of two American journalists -- Laura Ling and Euna Lee.
Family members of the journalists issued a statement which read in part: "We especially want to thank President Bill Clinton for taking on such an arduous mission and Vice President Al Gore for his tireless efforts to bring Laura and Euna home."
Bush-era hardliner, John Bolton was less than impressed. Asked for reaction to Mr. Clinton's hostage saving (and legacy-saving) coup, Bolton sniped, "It comes perilously close to negotiating with terrorists."
Family members of the journalists issued a statement which read in part: "We especially want to thank President Bill Clinton for taking on such an arduous mission and Vice President Al Gore for his tireless efforts to bring Laura and Euna home."
July 29, 2009
The Republi-Cancer is Spreading
Fox News reports, Glenn Beck decides:
"Obama is a Racist"
"This President . . . has a deep-seated hatred for White people."
June 30, 2009
Coleman Concedes
May 19, 2009
Wrestling with the Truth
FOX's fanatical Hannity is fairly knocked
off balance by Jesse Ventura -- May 18.
April 10, 2009
April 03, 2009
Sarah Palin Relative Arrested
Diana Palin Arrested on
Burglary, Trespassing Charges
Burglary, Trespassing Charges
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - A half sister of Gov. Sarah Palin's husband is charged with breaking into the same home twice with the intention of stealing money.
Thirty-five-year-old Diana Palin of Palmer is charged with two counts of felony burglary and misdemeanor counts of criminal trespass and theft in connection with the break-ins this week at a home in Wasilla, the governor's hometown.
According to charging documents, Diana Palin's 4-year-old daughter was with her during the break-in yesterday (Thursday) morning.
Diana Palin made her first appearance in court Friday afternoon. Meghan Stapleton, a spokeswoman for the governor's family, says the family had no comment.
Deputy Wasilla Police Chief Greg Wood says Diana Palin was confronted by the homeowner, who hid in the home to see if he could catch the burglar who stole $400 Tuesday night.
Wood says tire tracks and shoe prints tied the woman to the scene in both burglaries.
March 21, 2009
March 17, 2009
Slaves to the Free Market
Why are tax-payers now forced to hand out welfare checks to huge financial corporations like AIG, Bank of America and Citi Group -- corporations that made record profits over the last 8 years?
Because they're too big to fail.
During the Bush administration's "Free Market" era -- the market was freed from rules, regulations and restrictions. Certain banking institutions were allowed to become so big, they're now intertwined with just about every other major business in America -- and around the world.
If allowed to go under, these few giant corporations would likely take the whole nation down with them in a global financial meltdown.
Thanks, George!
So along with writing out welfare checks to these exceedingly large companies, we should write some new regulatory laws.
First and foremost, we must limit the size and scope of all financial institutions. If they're too big to fail, then they're too big to succeed.
Because they're too big to fail.
During the Bush administration's "Free Market" era -- the market was freed from rules, regulations and restrictions. Certain banking institutions were allowed to become so big, they're now intertwined with just about every other major business in America -- and around the world.
If allowed to go under, these few giant corporations would likely take the whole nation down with them in a global financial meltdown.
Thanks, George!
So along with writing out welfare checks to these exceedingly large companies, we should write some new regulatory laws.
First and foremost, we must limit the size and scope of all financial institutions. If they're too big to fail, then they're too big to succeed.
March 09, 2009
Repeatedly spreading rumors, misinformation and unsubstantiated gossip (Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C), to topple the Democratic party, sounds like a great plan for the Republicans, but how does that help America? Get over it already. You lost an election. Your ideas have been overwhelmingly repudiated by a majority of the American people, and now Nancy Reagan. Science will once again rule the day. Rush and Hannity can pray all they want for or against America. Heck melt all your precious metals into a golden idol. There is a new day dawning in the USA and it's time for you to shut up until you win an election!! NEXT!!!!!!!
February 24, 2009
February 23, 2009
Wall Street Welfare Queens
Government didn't get us to where we are today. It was the PRIVATE SECTOR! Unbridled greed and corruption from 20 years of deregulation is to blame. We have lost confidence in the PRIVATE SECTOR! Unfortunately government has to step in to fix it. Can you imagine if we would have gone ahead and privatized SS? Until the PRIVATE SECTOR cleans up their act we have no choice. The PRIVATE SECTOR has dismantled any and all rules to play fair. It's a giant ponzi scheme.
I don't want government interference in my life nor do I want certain segments of your party excluding tax paying gay people from getting their fair share(but I digress). Maybe I've been lucky because I've never felt government breathing down my neck. Until Wall Street cleans up their act....BOO.....HOO! "
I don't want government interference in my life nor do I want certain segments of your party excluding tax paying gay people from getting their fair share(but I digress). Maybe I've been lucky because I've never felt government breathing down my neck. Until Wall Street cleans up their act....BOO.....HOO! "
Dog - Whistle Politics
Apparently, Alabama Senator, Richard Shelby, isn't sure if Barack Obama is qualified to be President.
It's not that Shelby doubts a Black American is fit to run the White House. . . Mr. Shelby simply doubts that Obama is an American at all.
In a recent meeting with Alabama voters, the Senator declared that he opposed the economic stimulus bill Obama signed into law.
During the meeting, Shelby gave new life to an old lie by questioning President Obama's citizenship. When asked whether there was any truth to the ridiculous campaign rumor that Obama was not legally qualified to serve, Shelby carefully remarked:
"Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate. You have to be born in America to be president."
These latest shallow comments from the deep South Senator have raised questions about his own qualifications to hold office.
Shelby has since denied the obvious implications of his statement -- saying his words were distorted and inaccurately reported in the press.
However, the Cullman Times newspaper stands by their story saying, "We reported Shelby's comments on Obama's birth certificate accurately and completely." Several people who attended Shelby's meeting have now confirmed that the Senator made his statements without hesitation and without a trace of humor.
So not only is Mr. Shelby a vicious little gossip -- he's also a big, fat liar.
Maybe the good ol boy hasn't "seen any birth certificate" but if he truly believes Barack Obama isn't constitutionally fit to serve -- then the Senator has a duty to look at the birth certificate. And it isn't hard to find.
According to the Associated Press, state officials in Hawaii checked health department records during the campaign and determined there was no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.
Richard Shelby surely doesn't doubt that Hawaii is part of America.
And it's no surprise Senator Shelby opposes the President's economic stimulus program. Checking the records . . . Alabama's poverty rate is the 6th worst in country.
It's not that Shelby doubts a Black American is fit to run the White House. . . Mr. Shelby simply doubts that Obama is an American at all.
In a recent meeting with Alabama voters, the Senator declared that he opposed the economic stimulus bill Obama signed into law.
During the meeting, Shelby gave new life to an old lie by questioning President Obama's citizenship. When asked whether there was any truth to the ridiculous campaign rumor that Obama was not legally qualified to serve, Shelby carefully remarked:
"Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate. You have to be born in America to be president."
These latest shallow comments from the deep South Senator have raised questions about his own qualifications to hold office.
Shelby has since denied the obvious implications of his statement -- saying his words were distorted and inaccurately reported in the press.
However, the Cullman Times newspaper stands by their story saying, "We reported Shelby's comments on Obama's birth certificate accurately and completely." Several people who attended Shelby's meeting have now confirmed that the Senator made his statements without hesitation and without a trace of humor.
So not only is Mr. Shelby a vicious little gossip -- he's also a big, fat liar.
Maybe the good ol boy hasn't "seen any birth certificate" but if he truly believes Barack Obama isn't constitutionally fit to serve -- then the Senator has a duty to look at the birth certificate. And it isn't hard to find.
According to the Associated Press, state officials in Hawaii checked health department records during the campaign and determined there was no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.
Richard Shelby surely doesn't doubt that Hawaii is part of America.
And it's no surprise Senator Shelby opposes the President's economic stimulus program. Checking the records . . . Alabama's poverty rate is the 6th worst in country.
February 09, 2009
GOP Bullies
Republicans have found their voice! Now they won't shut the fuck up!
When was I young and walked home from school, I used to be bullied. I was forced to give this sycophant a piggy back ride up a steep hill. This all stopped when I CHANGED my route home.
To listen to these tax-cut-ophants is sheer insanity.
Nobody likes paying taxes. But when you continually cut taxes for the upper 2% and put the burden on the struggling middle class, guess what? Bridges collapse, pot-holes grow bigger, basic services disappear.
All of a sudden the "right" thinks they found their voice again . . . now that Obama is in charge. Where were they when they had complete control of our government?
We just borrowed another 250 billion dollars this quarter to cover Bush's budget. Bush has jumped ship seconds before we hit the iceberg. Our sworn enemy, China, now owns us.
Thank you so much for that.
CHANGE is needed NOW! Where is the proof, in your pudding, that tax cuts for the rich creates jobs? I think I'll trust President Obama over the GOP's sour-graped drivel.
When was I young and walked home from school, I used to be bullied. I was forced to give this sycophant a piggy back ride up a steep hill. This all stopped when I CHANGED my route home.
To listen to these tax-cut-ophants is sheer insanity.
Nobody likes paying taxes. But when you continually cut taxes for the upper 2% and put the burden on the struggling middle class, guess what? Bridges collapse, pot-holes grow bigger, basic services disappear.
All of a sudden the "right" thinks they found their voice again . . . now that Obama is in charge. Where were they when they had complete control of our government?
We just borrowed another 250 billion dollars this quarter to cover Bush's budget. Bush has jumped ship seconds before we hit the iceberg. Our sworn enemy, China, now owns us.
Thank you so much for that.
CHANGE is needed NOW! Where is the proof, in your pudding, that tax cuts for the rich creates jobs? I think I'll trust President Obama over the GOP's sour-graped drivel.
January 27, 2009
We certainly dodged a bullet by not electing the Republican presidential ticket.
Did you hear about this guy, John Thain? He was CEO of Merrill Lynch, a top backer of G.O.P. candidate, John McCain, and was widely talked of as a contender for a top White House economic position should his man win on Election Day.
Instead of being hired to serve in a position of great honor, Thain has been fired in disgrace. Shortly after Merrill was taken over by Bank of America, Thaine was outed for spending 1.2 million dollars on a Merrill office renovation, $87,000 for a rug and $1,400 for a garbage can.
. . . A garbage can?
Thaine's last minute spending frenzy of 4 billion dollars in bonuses to his friends -- after having lost 15 billion in the last quarter -- is now being investigated by the NY AG office. I'm no fan of Geithner, but can you imagine how much worse it could be if McCain/Palin would have won?
Although not perfect, I'm all for this change.
Did you hear about this guy, John Thain? He was CEO of Merrill Lynch, a top backer of G.O.P. candidate, John McCain, and was widely talked of as a contender for a top White House economic position should his man win on Election Day.
Instead of being hired to serve in a position of great honor, Thain has been fired in disgrace. Shortly after Merrill was taken over by Bank of America, Thaine was outed for spending 1.2 million dollars on a Merrill office renovation, $87,000 for a rug and $1,400 for a garbage can.
. . . A garbage can?
Thaine's last minute spending frenzy of 4 billion dollars in bonuses to his friends -- after having lost 15 billion in the last quarter -- is now being investigated by the NY AG office. I'm no fan of Geithner, but can you imagine how much worse it could be if McCain/Palin would have won?
Although not perfect, I'm all for this change.
Blue Velvet
70% of the American people think President Barack Obama is doing a good job and that he's off to a good start. Unfortunately I must live in one of those dark pools of negativity that think they dwell in a pocket of the "real America." What a laugh!
White picket fences and manicured lawns cannot disguise your hatred and bigotry for our new president.
You have thrown every thing you can at him . . . Muslim! Terrorist! Not a citizen!, False Messiah! Flubbed the oath! Didn't swear on a Bible!
Have you no shame? Don't we need this man to succeed? Don't we as a country need him to NOT fail?
The mongrels want to shred him to pieces -- already nipping at every perceived misstep. Take a deep breath, count to 10, and ask yourself: "Do I really want this President to fail?"
White picket fences and manicured lawns cannot disguise your hatred and bigotry for our new president.
You have thrown every thing you can at him . . . Muslim! Terrorist! Not a citizen!, False Messiah! Flubbed the oath! Didn't swear on a Bible!
Have you no shame? Don't we need this man to succeed? Don't we as a country need him to NOT fail?
The mongrels want to shred him to pieces -- already nipping at every perceived misstep. Take a deep breath, count to 10, and ask yourself: "Do I really want this President to fail?"
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