August 14, 2009


Wondering who's behind all these "spontaneous" town hall brawls? Curious about the coast-to-coast uprising of outraged old White folks vehemently opposed to changing our dysfunctional health care system . . ?

Welcome to ResistNet.
"the online community for patriotic citizens
who are opposing the Obama-led socialist agenda
RESISTNET is owned and operated by GRASSFIRE.ORG. ("Grassfire will RUSH you, our exclusive Tea Party Super-Pak!")

President, Steve Elliott asserts, " is not formally affiliated with any religious or political organization." But he admits Grassfire "often works with partner organizations" when they "share concern on an issue."

So who's behind the partner organizations -- namely FreedomWorks, TeaPartyExpress and The Bradley Foundation? Mr. Elliott insists it's "Citizens like you!"

However, Adele M. Stan at AlterNet has found some far more frightening answers.

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