December 27, 2008

Era of Coincidence

Just after 9/11 . . . anyone who was against the war was branded unpatriotic, an America hater, and a traitor. I can only remember 2 people who were adamantly opposed to the war. One was the late great Paul Wellstone and the other was the somewhat crazily portrayed Cynthia McKinnie, Rep. from Georgia.

The media handily took care of McKinnie, while Wellstone paid the ultimate price: A highly experienced pilot very familiar with his flight path suddenly makes the worst decision in his life during the most important campaign of Wellstone's. His opponent was hand picked by none other than the GOP darling DICK cheney.

Just another coincidence in the longest streak of coincidences in American history.

Very few politicians of this era had the fortitude and integrity to stand up for what is right. bush and his regime manipulated and took full advantage of 9/11. It probably seemed like a smart move on their part at the time -- but they overreached. They over-played their hand and got greedy. THEY BLEW IT! They destroyed the Republican party. It will take years before we can take the G.O.P. seriously again. This is NOT a good thing. We need balance.

. . . I sure miss Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming.

December 15, 2008

Bush Bombs in Iraq

December 14, 2008

December 09, 2008

Just say no to the far right

The far right has abused their influence to monger fear, militancy, divisiveness, and jingoism. They have lost all power and their credibility. They are deflated, so they are trying to pump it up with hot air. Attacking Iran is just another example of why this mind think has to be swept into the ash bin of history. Look where they have gotten us. We spend 10 billion a week in Iraq (an illegal, immoral, unjustified war), but can't find the money to borrow the auto industry. True conservatism has been hoodwinked. 41 days left and counting. How's that beer taste?

What about that last gasp concerning Obama's birth certificate?.....crickets chirping.

November 20, 2008

May I have the envelope, please?

It's that time again folks! Time to announce the names of those who've carved out a spot as nominee for Bill Garr's Biggest Turkey of the Year Award®.

Many in 2008 have served up their failures and flawed intelligence, but only one person has flopped big enough to be flipped the Eternal Bird. This year's finalists and their unique recipes for disaster are . . .

  • Ted Stevens . . . Baked Alaska
  • Senator Joe Lieberman . . . Eggs Benedict
  • Senator Norm Coleman . . . Pulled Pork
  • Eliot Spitzer . . . Pigs in a Blanket
  • Rep. Michelle Bachmann . . . Fruitcake
  • Senator Elizabeth Dole . . . Just Desserts
  • Rep. Mark Foley . . . Chicken Stuffing
  • Tucker Carlson . . . Burnt Toast Square
  • Jesse Jackson . . . Barbecued Nuts
  • Henry Paulson . . . Half-Baked Potatoes
  • Senator Larry Craig . . . Pickled Pig's Feet
  • John Edwards . . . Imitation Shrimp Balls
  • Governor Sarah Palin . . . Raw Fish
  • George W. Bush . . . Slow-Roasted Lame Duck
  • Everyone at Fox News . . . Crow under Glass

And now with great relish, I present the winner of Bill Garr's Biggest Turkey of the Year Award® 2008. Nominated for his Country Fried, Overcooked Goose dipped in red sauce, the Eternal Bird goes to . . . Senator John "bomb bomb bomb" McCain!

Joe The Traitor

November 10, 2008

The Elephant in the Room

Millions and millions of Americans, as well as scores of people all over the globe, are ready for change. But since Barack Obama doesn't take office until January, we're all forced to put up with the sight of GOP Jr. for several more weeks.

Never in history has a duck been so very lame.

November 01, 2008

Separation of Church and State

"The Republican choice for vice president, Sarah Palin, is in this pocket of America that continues to prevent our nation from evolving. She has never been in a 'Science Museum '. She obliviously doesn't drive a car cuz she can't explain gasoline coming from oil which comes from fossil fuels because the world is only 4000 years old. We should all be wearing pilgrams outfits to match her way of thinking. She should be tied to a chair and dunked in the Missouri river to find out if she is a witch. What say ye? "

October 31, 2008

Top Ten

Top 10 reasons NOT to vote for the Republican ticket . . .

McCain cant remember how many homes he owns.
McCain says the fundamentals of our economy are strong.
McCain talks about imaginary Iraq-Pakistan border.
McCain calls crowd my fellow prisoners
McCain sets the bar for rich at $5 million.
McCain doesn't know the difference between a Shia and Suni.
McCain picked Sarah Palin as his V.P. choice
McCain is a war monger, says ''You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran? Bomb bomb bomb,bomb bomb Iran.'' a country by the way, who's people love America.
McCain picked Sarah Palin as his V.P. choice
and finally......McCain picked Sarah Palin as his V.P. choice "

What's that little turd been up to?

Lets not forget about this little cretin in the White House. As our attention is glued to this presidential race, the White House is working to enact a wide array of federal regulations, many of which would weaken government rules aimed at protecting consumers and the environment. This little freak is not done ruining this country. I shudder to think what VP Cheney has been up to. When this election is all said and done we will need each other. Republicans and Democrats have their work cut out.

Wealth Spreader?

For all of you who claim Obama is a wealth spreader. Your darling 'w' [remember him?] has been taking your hard earned tax monies and spreading it to his friends and cronies for 8 years via no bid contracts and sweetheart deals. Enough with this nonsense worrying if the 3% of the American workforce gets a bump in taxes. This man is a thinker. No way is he going to grow government 40% like 'w' did. It would be political suicide. North Dakota has to think outside the FOX BOX and start questioning what just happened .War? Wrecked economy?Scandals? Scoundrels? Can we afford more of the same? VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN!

October 24, 2008

McCain's Propaganda Bombs

The newest RNC mailer with the Ayres connection is ridiculous:

"His group was finally stopped when a bomb to be detonated at a US Army dance prematurely exploded, putting Ayres on the run and his current wife on the FBI's Most Wanted list. Then Wlliam Ayres became a friend, colleague and supporter of Barack Obama . . ."

 Obama was 8 years old at the time! After their crime spree they immediately befriended an 8 year old Black child?!

Smoke, Mirrors, Lies and Distraction. Nothing about the issues. Put a fork in it John, it's over!

October 23, 2008

The REAL John McCain

It is reported that John McCain is a traitor to the American people. He made 32 propaganda films for the Vietnamese government. He also immediately began spilling his guts about locations of American troops and the flight paths of our aircraft because he was afraid of being tortured.

The Vietnamese named him Song Bird. There is no determination of how many Americans were killed as a result of his cowardice and treason. These documents need to be shown to the American people. It's their right to know. People just don't come dirtier than this. The man is a complete fraud.

Check this out..... watch?v=SRvXEsW4Fgg

October 22, 2008

Truth in Reverse

About Miss Todd of Pittsburgh . . .

. . . Her sad tale is falling apart faster than Joe the plumber's leaky story. The 'B' carved in her face is backwards, as she carved it into her face herself.