During the President's September 9 speech to congress, the congressman from South Carolina openly heckled the Commander-in-Chief. As Obama was clarifying that his health care proposals do not include illegal immigrants, Wilson loudly yelled, "You lie!"

Democratic leaders immediately called on Wilson to apologize. Even Republicans were reportedly mortified and offended. John McCain said it was "totally disrespectful," that there was "no place for it in that setting or any other" and that Wilson "should apologize for it immediately."
Wilson issued a brief statement explaining that his emotions got the better of him.
"While I disagree with the president’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable," Wilson wrote. "I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."
Emotions were obviously getting the better of a lot of folks. In place of Wilson's website was a blank page with a note declaring the site has been shut down due to maintenance.
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