February 09, 2009

GOP Bullies

Republicans have found their voice! Now they won't shut the fuck up!

When was I young and walked home from school, I used to be bullied. I was forced to give this sycophant a piggy back ride up a steep hill. This all stopped when I CHANGED my route home.

To listen to these tax-cut-ophants is sheer insanity.

Nobody likes paying taxes. But when you continually cut taxes for the upper 2% and put the burden on the struggling middle class, guess what? Bridges collapse, pot-holes grow bigger, basic services disappear.

All of a sudden the "right" thinks they found their voice again . . . now that Obama is in charge. Where were they when they had complete control of our government?

We just borrowed another 250 billion dollars this quarter to cover Bush's budget. Bush has jumped ship seconds before we hit the iceberg. Our sworn enemy, China, now owns us.

Thank you so much for that.

CHANGE is needed NOW! Where is the proof, in your pudding, that tax cuts for the rich creates jobs? I think I'll trust President Obama over the GOP's sour-graped drivel.

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