January 27, 2009

Blue Velvet

70% of the American people think President Barack Obama is doing a good job and that he's off to a good start. Unfortunately I must live in one of those dark pools of negativity that think they dwell in a pocket of the "real America." What a laugh!

White picket fences and manicured lawns cannot disguise your hatred and bigotry for our new president.

You have thrown every thing you can at him . . . Muslim! Terrorist! Not a citizen!, False Messiah! Flubbed the oath! Didn't swear on a Bible!

Have you no shame? Don't we need this man to succeed? Don't we as a country need him to NOT fail?

The mongrels want to shred him to pieces -- already nipping at every perceived misstep. Take a deep breath, count to 10, and ask yourself: "Do I really want this President to fail?"

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