March 06, 2010

Sick of Health Care

To be honest, none of us will get the health care bill we each want, because we are not in the Congress.[who by the way should all take a pay cut]. This bill does have flaws, but is a first step in the right direction. Republicans held the majority for 12 years and did absolutely NOTHING. The rich got richer and the poor and middle class got poorer. Who do you trust to get something going here?

Surely not the GOP.

We are so far behind the other industrialized world in health care. We pay 17% of our income, but lag behind the pig Castro/ Cuba in some areas. One would have to live under a rock to believe some of the garbage that spews forth daily from the mouths of the fright-wing.

If the Party of Elephants gets their way, the only 'PUBLIC OPTION' will be to file bankruptcy.
I'm sick of delaying health care reform. GET IT DONE!

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