Real American patriots are rightly dispirited about the Tea Party's instant indignation and pre-packaged protests.
But there's no reason to become bitter. The Tea Party is extremely weak. I have no doubt -- it will evaporate into thin air very soon.
Back when it mattered, the militants in this "gas-roots" movement (BOUGHT to you by the Koch Brothers) were completely AWOL.
For 8 years, Bush and his Neo-CON artists pillaged and plundered America.
That Bush kid shipped our jobs overseas, declared a tax holiday for billionaires, blew through our surplus, then spent an additional 3 trillion on war. On top of that, he cut veteran benefits while he sent five thousand of our finest to an early grave.
Meanwhile, the Tea party movement played the role of Helen Keller (before Ann Bancroft). They blindly marched in lock-step behind the GOP. Where was the outrage? The TP people turned a deaf ear to the deficit warnings and remained silent about unnecessary wars.
Then we elected a person of color . . . and OMG! Now suddenly the blind are miraculously healed! They don't like what they see . . . literally. They're having a hard time looking out the eye-holes in their white hoods.
The Tea Bigot movement will not last because it's largely made up of old, angry, White people. Like all political movements based on fear and racism, this TP will soon be flushed down the toilet of history.